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string(106) "Healdsburg Future Farmers Country Fair Junior Livestock Auction - 2021 - Live Broadcast And Online Bidding"
string(10) "Horse Race"
string(35) "Goat, Sheep, Pig, Cattle, Equipment"
string(1) "5"
string(19) "2021-05-28 17:00:00"
string(19) "2021-05-28 21:00:00"
string(19) "America/Los_Angeles"
string(19) "2021-05-29 00:00:00"
string(19) "2021-05-29 04:00:00"
string(19) "2021-05-29 04:00:00"
string(19) "2021-05-28 17:00:00"
string(19) "2021-05-28 20:55:00"
string(19) "2021-05-28 21:00:00"
string(19) "2021-05-28 18:00:00"
string(2) "9,"
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string(20) "Elite Silver Package"
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Welcome to the 2021 HFFCF Livestock Auction
It's all for the kids!
A livestock project is one of the most valuable tools for teaching responsibility to any youth in society today. We sincerely believe that our buyers cannot make a better investment in the adults of tomorrow.
While many things are still being cancelled or modified due to state and local restrictions, we are trying our best to help encourage our exhibitors still have the ability to show off their hard work and be awarded for their dedication. However, we also understand the economic hardships facing many people in our own community, and we appreciate any support to get through this difficult time together.
The Junior Livestock Auction provides the opportunity for a return on the exhibitor's investment. Your support of this auction and the youth allows these programs to exist and recognizes these youth for a job well done. We welcome your participation and invite you to attend the 2021 Healdsburg Future Farmers Country Fair. While the auction this year is modified to host an online viewing at 1pm on May 28, 2021, we encourage you to attend our live auction, or if you prefer the comforts of your own home, the auction will be broadcast LIVE at 5pm Friday, May 28, 2021.
Unfortunately, due to Covid we will not host our annual buyers dinner beforehand.
We recommend all buyers pre-register at for both online and live buyers. Upon registering you will need to provide a driver’s license number and credit card, this ensures you’re an adult and no information will be shared or used, but is required to complete the registration process. The pre-registration will provide us with the necessary instructions for processing and cut & wrap facilities. At this time we are unable to accommodate ANY special cut & wrap or processing options other than those provided by Bud’s, Sonoma County Meat Co. or Willowside Meats. Please note that all rabbit and poultry carcasses will be frozen prior to pick up. We will arrange for a pick up date and time and any animals left after that time will be donated at the discretion of the Livestock and Auction committee.
We cordially invite you to attend the auction and acknowledge that all our participants health & safety are a priority and encourage you to participate either live or virtually.
Please contact any of the following committee members if you have questions or need assistance in the registration or purchase.
Katelyn Lagerquist
Livestock & Auction Committee Chair
- In order to bid and purchase a lot in the sale, you must register as a buyer.
- Registration is available now and all the way through the auction. Click HERE to register.
- The combination live/online auction is hosted by
- Registration and details are available at
- The auction will take bids beginning Friday, May 28 at 5pm. Lots will be available to view prior at
- On Friday, May 28th the auction will begin at 5pm and proceed in Lot order.
- All animals have a starting minimum price. The starting price represents the bare minimum for each lot. Our goal is to raise much more than the bare minimum amount for each exhibitor, as they have much more invested than the bare minimum price.
- Bids are being placed by the head. What that means is that if you place a bid for $1,000, it is for the whole animal, not $1,000 per pound.
- Bids will be fixed amounts (not traditional HFFCF bidding). What does this mean? If the bid is at $500 & you bid $1,000, the computer will automatically put you in at $1,000.
- Upon being the winning bidder of a sale lot, you will receive an email OR phone call (sometime shortly after the close of auction) to indicate whether you want your lot to be custom harvest or consigned to resale. Those emails must be returned no later than 1 pm on Saturday, May 29th. Otherwise, the animal will be consigned to resale.
- Multiple Buyers: If you have multiple buyers, you can indicate so at the time of the phone call or fair email correspondence. Upon billing each party will receive their own invoice. Please contact the livestock & Auction Committee chair or co-Chair to add buyers to the invoice prior to it being processed and sent out.
- Payment is due upon receipt of your official mailed HFFCF invoice. The invoice can be paid over the phone with a credit card by calling 707-431-0165, but an administrative fee of 2% will apply. If you prefer to mail a check please mail to: P.O. Box 763, Healdsburg, CA 95448.
Minimum Starting Bids:
Steers: $3,000.00
Lambs: $1,000.00
Goats: $600.00
Hogs: $1,000.00
Rabbits/Poultry: $500.00
- The winning bidder of each lot will have the choice of (1) CUSTOM PROCESSED or (2) RESELLING THE ANIMAL. Details of each option are as follows:
- The animal will be processed, inspected and delivered to one of the butcher shops in the area. You will need to indicate your preference of butcher shops and make arrangements with them for cutting instructions. Any animal left over 60 days at a butcher shop may be disposed of at the discretion of that shop. If you purchase a custom processed animal, an additional processing fee applies and will be reflected on your invoice from the fair. You are also responsible for the cut and wrap fee to be paid to the butcher shop when you pick the animal up.
- Animals that are bought by individuals who do not desire the meat will be resold at market price to the packer for a set per pound price and that amount is then subtracted from the buyer's bill by the fair.
Example: Steer weighs 1250lbs. Resale Price is $.80/lb. which equals $1,000
Your Winning Bid Price is $4,000;
The difference is $3,000, which is the amount that you will be responsible for paying.
- Resale Prices: The resale amounts are calculated by the weight of the animal. The official certified weight will be listed on each lot.
If you don’t want to buy an animal, but still wish to support all of the exhibitors or an individual exhibitor you have the following options:
ONLINE ADD-ON Procedure:
Online Add-on Support will be available by completing the ADD-ON FORM through or by completing the form at the following link:
- Please complete by Friday May 28, 2021 prior to the close of sale.
- For additional assistance, please contact Susie Garcia at 707-331-2873.
- You can add-on to an individual exhibitor through the link or by looking up that individual’s lot, or a general contribution is welcome.
Custom Cut & Wrap Fees & Options
Custom Harvesting Fees: These fees will be added to your invoice.
Beef: $400 Sheep: $70 Swine: $60 Goats: $75 RABBITS: $40 POULTRY: $30
There will be 3 options for cut & wrap facilities:
Willowside Meats – 3421 Guerneville Rd, Santa Rosa CA 95401
So. Co. Meat Company – 35 Sebastopol Rd, Santa Rosa CA 95407
Bud’s Custom Meats – 7750 Petaluma Hill Rd, Penngrove CA 94951
Buyer Informational Examples:
You will receive approximately the following amount of meat cut, well-trimmed, and ready for your freezer.
Approximate Yield’s: The standard return of cut & wrapped meat varies in different animals and kind of trim & cut desired. A good rule of thumb is 50% net on beef, and lamb, and 75% on swine. Cut, wrap, freeze, and smoking charges are usually bases on the net weight.
Resale Market Prices
Resale Prices: Sheep: TBA Swine: TBA Goats: TBA
Terms of Sale
- Livestock sold in this auction has been entered in the appropriate class and exhibited by the owner in the 2021 HFFCF Fair Grading Event.
- All market animals will be weighed in Wednesday, May 26TH, on the HFFCF Fairgrounds and animals are sold by the lot and the resale is determined by the weights.
- The HFFCF Livestock Auction is a terminal sale, for all Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goats, Rabbits, & Poultry. This means there is no live animal pick up on those species listed above. There is only resale and custom processing. Definitions: Resale: the animal is sold to the packer for a set per pound price and that amount is then subtracted from the buyer's bill by the fair. Custom: the animal is processed and returned to a cut and wrap facility where the buyer will pay to have it cut and wrapped and then pick up the meat. (The buyer is responsible for additional fees for this service).
- Only the following species of "Market Ready" animals will be allowed to sell: Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goats, Rabbits, & Poultry.
- Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. All sales are final at the close of the live sale. The auction provider and auctioneer will settle any dispute concerning bids by declaring all bids off and reselling the animal in question.
- The FAIR ASSOCIATION has the sole right to interpret the rules and make emergency judgments.
- Animal disposition must be stated at the time of signing the disposition slip. Otherwise, beef, sheep, swine, goats, rabbit & poultry will automatically be marked "resale".
- Beef, Sheep, Swine and Goats, Rabbits & Poultry sold at the HFFCF Livestock Auction will be sent to designated federally inspected processing facilities.
2020 Auction Average Amounts
BEEF: $7,777.77/HEAD
HOG: $2,494.62/HEAD
SHEEP: $1,837.00/HEAD
GOATS: $1,675.00/HEAD
RABBIT: $828.57/HEAD
Grand total: $412,150.00
Checks can be mailed to: P.O. Box 763, Healdsburg, CA 95448
Call the Livestock and Auction Committee: 707-318-1098 OR 707-480-7471
2020-2021 HFFCF Livestock & Auction Committee
(These committee members are available to assist with additional questions regarding the sale)
Katelyn Lagerquist 707-318-1098
Tess Fraguglia 707-480-7471
Dr. Margaret Basurto 530-966-4565
Brad Petersen 707-592-9492
Ali Redden 707-328-3123
Susie Garcia 707-331-2873
Angel Nunez 707-479-8918
Tom Rued 707-484-4609
Nick Dunkel 707-495-3992
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There is a 5 second Audio and Video Delay. Follow the asking price, numbers are instant!"
string(6) "Closed"
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string(19) "2021-04-23 08:16:11"
string(19) "2021-05-28 12:05:20"
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string(19) "2021-05-29 16:32:37"
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